Talent Manager

How Weekli works

Discover the features in Weekli

With Weekli, managers, HR professionals and employees get the tool they need to actively improve the work environment.  


Algorithm-controlled pulse

Every week, Weekli sends out a pulse consisting of ten questions to each employee. Weekli uses algorithms to give your employees a unique set of questions each week. The algorithms also evaluate and weigh in previous answers to identify which questions should be sent out next, which creates a personal and relevant pulse for each employee. If an employee gives a deviating answer to a question, related questions are asked in future pulses, so-called effect control.




Maintaining anonymity when using Weekli is important to be able to answer the questions as honestly as possible. This could include, for example, answering questions about the quality of the leadership or if being subjected to harassment. In this case, it should not be possible for the manager to trace this answer to the specific employee, if he or she wishes to remain anonymous.


Weekli for managers



Analyze more!

Through Weekli, you get new data every week, which means that you as a manager can make decisions and act on constantly updated information. Keeping up to date with the group’s weekly input gives you good support in your leadership and helps you make the right decisions with higher precision.



Smart graphs

Weekli’s smart graphs show your team or organization’s data over time for each scale and dimension. Here you can compare data over time between groups and deep dive into the questions asked at a specific survey point. Also keep an eye on the three HPIs – Human Performance Indicators that measure the areas of culture, engagement and leadership in your organization.



Weekli’s Heatmap is a matrix structure where groups, together with scales, dimensions and HPIs are listed together. Different values give different colors so that you can easily distinguish a deviation in any area. Here you can also get an overview of the response rate and the Weekli value, a value that acts as a benchmark between groups, departments, or branches within your organization.




To help you as a manager to understand the data collected and how you can use it to take action, Weekli interprets the information for you in a short text. This is what we call an insight. The insights are written by psychologists and behavioral experts and are sent out to you as a manager in the form of notifications, based on your group data. Your employees also receive insights sent to them via the Weekli app, but are then based on their own data.

The insights not only describe what your data means, they also help you understand how the scales correlate with each other and what the consequences can be if the data does not improve over time. The insights therefore help you to understand what you need to act on as manager.


Learning Management System (LMS)

In addition to the Dashboard, managers get access to our digital learning platform, for free. In the LMS, you will find courses for you as a manager to learn more about Weekli, how to navigate the platform and how you can work with the data together with your group, department or office.

In the LMS you will also find a library that provides you with data to, for example, be able to carry out the workshop “The Weekli process”. You can also find templates on how you can present relevant data from Weekli on a regular basis, or information about Weekli to send out to new employees.




Weekli for employees



Coach mode

In the app, there is a coach mode where Weekli’s chat bot asks the weekly questions, announces that new data has been received and recommends insights for the individual employee.






Employees can follow the development of their own data over time through the same categories, dimensions, and scales that their manager has access to. Having access to and being able to follow their own data over time can contribute to positive self-leadership, where the employee is involved in and influence over their own development.


Employees will get their own insights based on how they have answered the questions in the Weekli pulse. The insights help employees understand their data and contribute to development through action-oriented advice and recommendations.



Scientifically validated

Weekli is based on Copsoq – Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire from the University of Copenhagen. It is a science-based questionnaire that measures essential aspects of organizational and social work environment. Over 40 research reports have been written about the Copsoq study. Most of the reports aim to validate the study but also discuss how to use the questionnaire to predict, for example, sickness or staff turnover in the workplace.


Based on Copsoq

Weekli is based on the structure of Copsoq with a set of questions, scales and dimensions. The set of questions gathers the information that is clustered into dimensions within the psychosocial work environment. Each dimension has several scales that touch on the same area within the psychosocial work environment, but which highlight different perspectives.





Scientifically validated

Weekli is a science-based questionnaire supported by COPSOQ, Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire.

Manager dashboard

Access to manager dashboard where you can look at the data from different perspectives & segmentations.

Algorithm controlled pulse

Weekli uses algorithms to give your employees a unique set of questions each week.

Employee dashboard

Employees can see their data in-app via forms of dimensions, scales and HPI:s.

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